Academic Collaborations
Industrial Partnerships

Peihua Jiang (Monell, US)
Joel Mainland (Monell, US)
Mee-Ra Rhyu (KFRI, KR)
Cheil Moon (DGIST, KR)
Marco Gori (Siena, IT)
Jérôme Waldispühl (McGill, CA)
Steffen Wolf (U. Freiburg, DE)
Martin Zacharias (TUM, DE)
Emmanuelle J.Joly (INRAE Versailles, FR)
Loïc Briand (INRAE Dijon, FR)
Christophe Moreau (IBS Grenoble, FR)
Axel Marchal (ISVV Bordeaux, FR)
Moustafa Bensafi (CRN Lyon, FR)
Céline Robardet (LIRIS Lyon, FR)
Marc Plantevit (LRDE Lyon, FR)
Frédéric Jullien (LBVPAM St Etienne, FR)

@our future industrial partners: collaborate with us through funded research programs, service delivery, consulting or sponsoring! Do not hesitate to contact us